Traditional agriculture

Traditional agricultural ecosystems harbour remarkable biodiversity

Examples from China illustrate the exceptional value of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)


Our coffee is in danger

Coffee is becoming more and more expensive due to the climate crisis and the dwindling diversity of plants


The city of millions that is being flooded every day

Chittagong in Bangladesh is one of the ten fastest-sinking coastal cities in the world.

Global environmental crisis

European governments have accepted duty to restore nature

European Green Deal is a sensible response to the global environmental crisis that is destroying both climate and biodiversity

Global biodiversity

The basis of our existence

Biodiversity is the cornerstone of ecosystems. The progressive loss of it threatens people’s livelihoods and food security.

Land use conflicts

Pressure on wildlife in Uganda

In Uganda, nature, herders and farmers compete for land resources. Better planning is needed – and it must involve local communities


Why we believe in our Digital Monthly

What purposes our Digital Monthly serves, and how it differs from the print issue

Transformative agenda

115 plastic cups in the belly of a whale

Indonesia struggles with the waste of 280 million people. All too often, it ends up in the sea

Overfished water body

Uninforced fishing ban on world’s second deepest lake

Fish stocks must replenish, but moratorium would be painful in the short term

Environmental recovery

A campaign to plant more trees in Kenya

Kenya is pursuing an ambitious plan to reforest the land – the national tree cover ought to increase from 12 % to 30 % in the next ten years

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