Inter-faith dialogue

Shared values

Involving faith-based organisations in the SDG agenda makes sense, but is nothing trivial


Fostering sustainable projects and businesses

Oikocredit keeps growing, and has promoted ethical investments in developing countries finance for more than 40 years


Acceptance, not enforcement

The 2030 Agenda largely reflects and reinforces existing international law


Particular urgency

In coastal regions, developmental challenges are especially evident

Food production

Branded spices

Zanzibar promotes locally grown, organic cloves for the world market


Fishermen versus oil giant

Seven years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, BP has still not compensated Mexican fishing communities


Saving the Mekong Delta

Climate change is threatening the livelihood of many people along Vietnam’s coast

Climate change

Pay particular attention to the poor

Impact of extreme weather is set to get worse, so vulnerable countries must expect national incomes to decline, ADB warns


Big palm oil is making the rules

Growing demand for palm oil is changing agriculture in countries as far apart as Ghana and Indonesia

Job opportunities

Working in poverty

Youth unemployment is on the rise and persistent gender gaps undermine social progress

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