
The Plastic Man

In India, good roads are constructed by using waste plastic


Ray of hope for Antarctica

Protection of Antarctic waters can serve as a model for international environmental initiatives


Responding to wildlife crime

Germany has increased funding for protecting ecosystems

Nature conservation

Cross-border wildlife protection

Cross-border cooperation is crucial for tackling poaching and illegal wildlife trade in Southern Africa


Successful self-help

Cooperative market secures livelihood of 900 market trader women in Abidjan


Flexible and disciplined

As self-organised savings communities, “tontines” are an example of economic, social and cultural solidarity in West Africa

Health care

“Involve the local people”

To control diseases in poor countries, awareness raising and capacity building is needed at the grass-roots level


Sustainability in Kenya’s and Sri Lanka’s banking sector

Examples how the DEG promotes sustainable development in the banking sector


Sustainability in the banking sector

How development finance providers can advance sustainable development


Schools save uprooted children

UNICEF demands more funding to educate and protect children and youth who are affected by crises around the world

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