Development and

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Global affairs

Taxation serves sustainability

The SDGs are a sound basis for dealing with the major challenges humanity must rise to – and government revenues matter

Climate adaptation

Policy responses are needed

Senegal and Benin are implementing Nationally Determined Contributions with assistance from GIZ

Paris climate agreement

No time to rest on laurels

Two years on from the Paris climate agreement, countries now need to implement their goals

Least developed countries

Addressing our climate reality

The least developed countries demand a robust ‘rulebook’ to implement the Paris agreement and call for adequate support


“The Republican party must wake up”

How to prevent Donald Trump from causing long-term climate harm


Himalayan tsunamis

Mountain communities in the Himalayas deserve assistance in order to adapt to global warming

Water scarcity

Thawing glaciers

Melting of Himalayan glaciers will cause water scarcity in various Asian countries

Saudi Arabia

How much reform can the kingdom take?

King Salman of Saudi Arabia announced a comprehensive reform programme, whether it will go smoothly is doubtful

Summer special

Return full of experiences and motivation

Natalia Bezhanishvili (20) from Georgia works as a volunteer for Grüne Liga Berlin

Global Governance

Setting the wrong example

Trump’s statement on Paris Agreement means renouncing claim to global leadership

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.