Development and

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Elasticsearch Mini



Ban on plastic bags

Kenya has completely banned plastic bags

Social entrepreneurship

Companies financing foundation

Togolese company processes organic pineapples that French importers do not want

Social entrepreneurship

A balancing act

NGOs are founding companies in order to fund themselves with profits

Structural change

The retail revolution

WalMart, Tesco and others are conquering markets in developing countries

Saudi Arabia

Breaking up ossified structures

The labour market in Saudi Arabia is inflexible, unjust and limiting the country’s economic renewal

Hurricane Maria

Puerto Rico’s double power failure

A hurricane hits a post-colonial colony

Development Effectiveness Rating

Measuring how good a job is

DEG uses new tool for assessing employment quality and developmental impacts

Relevant reading

Great disenchantment

Beyond the Paris agreement: new books on the status of global climate policy

Labour rights

Unachievable targets

Female workers particularly at risk on Indonesian palm oil plantations

Climate change

Devastating consequences

Climate change may undo Asian development success

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.