
The Great Green Wall

Action against desertification is urgently needed


Involve the local people

The Great Green Wall across Africa could stop the Sahara from expanding – if done right


Early signs of paradigm change

With global implications, the buzzword “Green New Deal” is causing new excitement in US politics


“Poor choice”

The FT’s assessment of Trump’s nominee for the World Bank presidency is devastating

Our view

Undeniable challenges

Not the extinction of individual species is dangerous, but the collapse of entire ecosystems


Keeping the life insurance

Inclusion of community and long-term funding are vital for effective conservation

Coral bleaching

Endangered ocean treasures

Climate protection will not suffice to protect coral reefs

Development finance

KfW’s foreign portfolio

KfW disburses concessional credits as well as grants, the credits often serve to support infrastructure projects

Development finance

“This is a marathon”

KfW Board Member Joachim Nagel strives to continue the fight for climate protection and sustainability determinedly

Risks to humanity

“The most powerful driving force is climate change”

The dangerous trends that are changing the global environment are interconnected

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