Private sector engagement

Fifty metro lines per year

Private public partnerships can tackle the huge demand in transport infrastructure in developing countries

Trump will not get full control of the World Bank

Jim Yong Kim’s resignation may matter less than it seems


Limits of sovereignty

In view of China’s growing international engagement, we need a good definition of “south-south cooperation”


Do the right thing

Worldviews change slowly, but environmental and climate protection can’t wait


North-south conflict lingers on

Biodiversity is dwindling worldwide and the world’s top leaders must rise to the challenge


A contribution to sustainable transport

In the Indian city of Nagpur, a new light-rail system is being built with support from the KfW Development Bank


Fighting chaos on the roads

Indian official promotes the expansion of public transport systems


18 million fewer car journeys

New rail-based systems in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador de Bahia will lead to at least 18 million fewer car journeys a year


Climb aboard!

KfW supports South African municipalities in building of cycle paths and footpaths


Higher ambitions are essential

Rule book for Paris Agreement lays the foundation for implementation – now action is needed

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