
Fulfil the promises

Why last week’s international Belt and Road Forum in Beijing was promising

Organic pioneers

Cheap, modern and eco-friendly

Rythu Sadhikara Samstha is promoting organic farming in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh

Platform on Disaster Displacement

Protecting people displaced by disasters

The Platform on Disaster Displacement’s objective is to integrate the protection of refugees in international processes


Agriculture at risk

FAO sees food security at risk because of biodiversity loss


How to contain superbugs

The escalating global crisis of drug-resistant diseases requires a global response

Environmental sustainability

Investor calculations are changing

Why private-sector investors must – and indeed may – become drivers of climate protection


Start-up financing for Africa

DEG increased the financing of private investments in developing countries and emerging markets to a new record level in 2018

Trade policy

More fairness and sustainability

Social Democrats call for fair play in world trade

Emerging markets

Allied rivals

In economic terms, India is still lagging behind China

Patterns of trade

South-south exchange matters most

The patterns of India’s foreign trade have changed dramatically in the past three decades

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