Global governance

Global sustainability depends on financial integrity

High-level panel makes proposals on curbing illicit financial flows internationally


Environmentally enhanced Human Development Index

In response to dramatic risks, UNDP now considers environmental aspects in modified Human Development Index

The economics of biodiversity

Completely rethinking economics

The British Dasgupta Review considers nature an economic asset


Scientists consider tiny chemicals to be health hazards

Microplastics probably have detrimental impacts on human health


Zimbabwe’s disappearing cows

Zimbabwe’s once-robust cattle herd is falling victim to drought and disease

CO2 emissions

Make Xi keep his climate promises

Environmental experts assess China’s CO2 emissions in report published by Heinrich Böll Foundation


Eight-week module on plastic waste for school curricula

The kNOw PLASTICS programme makes students understand waste problems and change their lifestyle accordingly

Global environment

Waste less to avoid being inundated by plastic

An Indian NGO is raising awareness of why plastic waste is threatening our future

Environmental sustainability

First steps towards keeping environment toxin free

The EU wants its sustainable chemicals strategy to set global standards

Global environment

Trailblazing UN conference

The international conference on chemicals management had to be postponed, but Germany intends to keep promoting the cause

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