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The ICC is right to investigate Malian heritage destruction

For good reason, ICC wants to hold alleged Islamist militant to account


Important lobby

INGO influence is beneficial – but organisations from rich countries dominate the scene

Indigenous peoples

Flawed implementation

Laws concerning prior and informed consent of indigenous groups for resource exploitation often prove counterproductive in Latin America


A good start

Europe needs a coherent policy to rise to the refugee challenge

Human rights

Protecting activists

Selmin Çalışkan elaborates on Amnesty International’s cooperation with local human-rights groups


Press freedom restricted

Egypt’s new anti-terrorism curbs press freedom, though the government denies that impact

Human Rights

“For us, there is only death”

Indigenous environment activists are at risk all over the world


Women’s lost right

Another setback for Chile’s women’s fight for the right to therapeutic abortion

Summer special

Longing for a better life

Summer Special 7: The shattered dream of a better life in Fortress Europe

Summer special

A changing country

Summer Special 6: A novel about Ethiopia’s turbulent history

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.