Development and

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Religious totalitarianism

Iran’s protests resonate around the world

Women everywhere must be free to go where they like and dress as they please


What statelessness means for people

In Zimbabwe an estimated 300,000 people do not have identity documents and are excluded from many parts of life

Collective trauma

Why even the most atrocious evil can have a banal basis

60 years ago, Hannah Arendt’s book “Eichmann in Jerusalem” caused a controversy

Transition from dictatorship

Learning lessons of the past in Gambia

Why a truth commission must not only assess the facts, but also engage the public in a lasting manner

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LGBTQI rights remain sensitive issue

A fashion event steers uproar in Zambia as religious moralists criticise the promotion of homosexuality and minority rights

Social media

The billionaire’s blue bird is in trouble

Lessons to be learned from Twitter’s current crisis

International law

The west must respect international law more consistently

In the Ukraine war, the US and its allies are paying the price for having badly damaged their own credibility in the past


Fear and anguish added to pandemic pain in India

An Indian Covid-19 survivor shares his experience

Development policy

Germany’s approach to feminist development policy

Svenja Schulze on how the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development will promote women’s rights

Experience of racism

“I do not define myself as a victim”

Turkish-German author Canan Topçu on her very personal take on identity, racism and exclusion

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