Development and



No food, no health

Malnutrition is a major problem among children in Tanzania. A physician explains why this hampers national development.

Primary education

School for slum children

The Glory Future Model Schools shows how to motivate primary school teachers in Bangladesh


Helping AIDS orphans

Swiss-backed NGO supports AIDS orphans in southern and eastern Africa

West Africa

Parents’ wishes

In Francophone Africa, state schools often serve neither social needs nor cultural values


Becoming independent

Bonn-Djerba: school exchange in spite of disabilities

Street vending

Eyesores and livelyhoods

Unemployed youth populate streets of Malawi’s towns

Performance-based aid

Protecting children from harm

Boosting immunisation: GAVI's approach to performance-based aid

Women’s rights

Double-edged reform

Extending maternity leave in Kenya was a double-edged reform

Discrimination of women

Wasted talent

Palestinian women are well educated, but do not find good jobs

Workers’ rights

A victory for household helpers

ILO passes convention to protect household helpers

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