University system

Efforts towards inclusion

The impact of public and private education on social inequality in Brazil


Poor and poisoned

Many poor people in Zambia cannot afford proper housing and live in slums

Private education

“Fierce competition”

Sri Lankan evaluator explains why private education has recently been spreading fast in South Asia

Disadvantaged communities

Low-cost private schools

Taking advantage of unemployed educators and university graduates


Dissatisfaction with “free” public education

In Kenya, even poor parents send their kids to private schools


Overrated model

Recent admissions scandal reveals inequalities and corruption in US American education


Indispensable lessons

Why teenage girls need sex education even more than teenage boys do

Children’s rights

Bolivia bows to international pressure

Bolivia abandons pioneering legal reform for working children

Our view

Markets leave some people behind

The top priority must be to ensure that state-run schools perform well

Private education

Some people have no other choice

Relevant reading on why private education can make a difference in developing countries

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