Muhammad bin Salman

The Saudi Putin?

The Saudi heir to the throne wants to consolidate his power at any cost, and does not deal with opponents squeamishly

Our view

Dangerous generosity

Philanthropy must be geared to capable and democratically legitimate statehood

Weapons of mass destruction

Nuclear obsession

North Korea’s leadership is keen on weapons of mass destruction

Global climate

Decarbonise now

World climate conference emphasises that time is short for implementing the Paris Agreement


Political solutions needed

Disaster relief addresses symptoms such as hunger but cannot tackle the causes of crises

Letter to the editor

Investment is key to decent-work agenda

Reader challenges our author’s reasoning

Stand point

Mechanisms of oppression

Imperialist powers laid the foundations for current misrule in many former colonies


Democracy is better

Why dictatorship is less efficient than apologists want us to think

Human security

Global silence in view of genocidal action

Bangladesh is largely left to itself in view of dramatic Rohingya refugee crisis

Latin America

Dysfunctional governance

Brazil’s democracy is in crisis

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