Military rule

The monarchy’s bodyguard

An end to military dictatorship in Thailand is not in sight


The path has been cleared for Hun Sen

Ahead of general elections, Cambodia’s government has eliminated the opposition

Tax agreements

The true price of management fees

How a country’s tax base can be eroded by tax treaties

Tax havens

Applying double standards is wrong

Oxfam points out that EU list of tax havens omits EU member states

Our view

What good governance depends on

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, all countries need an effective and fair tax system

Bad governance

Democratic procedures serve a purpose

In the USA, the Republican tax reform resembles bad governance in much poorer countries

Civil strife

Shifting alliances

Saleh’s death does not indicate a fast end of Yemen’s civil war

New Silk Road

Clean at home, dirty abroad

China massively invests in coal power in the Belt and Road countries


Stopping a dynasty does not mean democracy

The Mugabe era is over, but “Mugabeism” is likely to live on

Rule of law

Diminished force

Kenya’s Supreme Court must bear some of the responsibility for the country’s deepening crisis of legitimacy

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