Development and



The merits of studying abroad

Foreign graduates of German universities help to build bridges between cultures

Human rights

Refugee suffering in Bay of Bengal and Mediterranean

Following EU example, Bangladesh is banning refugees to a remote island

Pandemic response

Covid-19 as a chance to re-imagine public finance in Africa

To respond to a pandemic, sub-Saharan governments need more fiscal space

Our view

Literacy empowers, so schools must do a good job

More than ever, people must be able to read and write

Scientific literacy

Why everyone should understand climate change

Scientific literacy can boost awareness of global warming – and inspire faith in viable solutions

Humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen

IRC: More money and peace talks needed for Yemen

Humanitarian agencies demand more money for Yemen – as well as serious peace efforts

Building bridges

Why diaspora communities are powerful development actors

In countries of residence as well as origin, policymakers should engage with migrant communities

Our view

Chemical intensification set to breach planetary boundaries

Only global cooperation can bring about sound chemicals management and sustainability

Military coup

Where hope lies

The military coup is a major setback for democracy in Myanmar


Jakarta’s lasting challenges

Even if Indonesia’s government relocates to Kalimantan, the problems of the former capital will deserve attention

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