Development and


Côte d’Ivoire

Reform-oriented Côte d’Ivoire has come to a standstill

To entrench democratic principles, admonishing words are not enough

Our view

Sharing fundamental values

Immigration benefits host countries and often also countries of origin

Environmental protection

Cleaner air for Punjab

The regional government of Pakistan’s most populous province is taking steps to reduce air pollution

Fighting poverty

A world without hunger is possible

Gerd Müller, Germany’s federal minister for economic cooperation and development, assesses multi-dimensional Covid-19 crisis


Do not expect too much of digitised education

Digitalising education in developing countries is complex and requires individually tailored solutions

Our view

More than a mere shelter

Upgrading slums is one of the crucial issues to provide adequate housing for all

Horn of Africa

Who is caught in the crossfire of Ethiopia’s recent conflict

In Ethiopia’s ongoing Tigray conflict, Eritrean refugees are especially at risk

Power struggle

Dialogue may yet ease tensions in Côte d’Ivoire

West Africa: Why President Ouattara’s election victory remains controversial

Our view

Movements are often formally leaderless - and yet powerful

How political movements differ from formal organisations – and why non-violence often leads to success

Police misconduct

Sudden eruption of anger

Why Nigeria’s government found itself forced to disband a notorious police in October

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