Development and


Environmental protection

Nice try

Why an important court ruling concerning Bangladesh’s natural environment did not set an internationally relevant precedent

Food security

The ravages of acute hunger

In Zimbabwe, people increasingly worry not what, but whether they will eat tomorrow

Our view

Lack of awareness

In regard to healthy diets, all world regions need better education

Multilateral development banks

Too many loopholes

The AIIB needs clear time-bound rules on information disclosure to mitigate environmental and social risk


An energy transformation without subsidies

Since 2014, Chile has recorded one of the world’s largest percentage expansion of renewable energies in the electricity sector

US elections

Kleptocracy and authoritarianism

Why powerful interests still support Donald Trump

Africa-Europe partnership

Building bridges

VENRO is calling for more participation from local actors in the AU-EU partnership

Our view

Fighting for democracy

The EU should do more to promote democracy around the world

Our view

No ethics, no sustainability

Why financial stability hinges on investors taking into account environmental and social impacts


Indispensable private sector

DEG assesses development impacts precisely and intends to promote women more

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