Development and


Multidimensional crises

Why we must not turn our backs on Afghanistan now

Afghanistan‘s multi-dimensional crisis has only just begun

Our view

Risks and opportunities of digitalisation

Digital transformation of society and the economy requires government regulation

Humanitarian emergency

Crisis in Ethiopia intensifies

In Ethiopia, humanitarian aid has become a political issue

Arab Spring

Tunisia’s democratic order is in danger

The death of Tunisia’s young democracy would be a bad omen for the entire Arab region

Colonial past

German heritage in Burundi

In the early 20th century Burundi was a German colony – traces of that past can still be seen

Our view

Decoupling prosperity from skin colour

Racism persists because marginalised communities are largely excluded from positions of leadership

East Africa

Two African neighbours give peace a chance

Rwanda and Burundi are normalising relations after a nearly six-year dispute


Global warming and biodiversity loss mutually reinforcing

Fragile mountain habitats are becoming increasingly precarious in Hindu Kush-Himalaya region

Our view

Foundations of broad-based prosperity

How the middle class matters in a country’s development

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