Development and


Latin America

Why desperate Latin American risk dangerous journey north

South American migrants are fleeing to the US via Mexico in growing numbers

Rule of law

Prison sentence for business tycoon in Malawi

In terms of its constitutional role, Malawi’s judiciary is becoming increasingly assertive

Our point of view

Safeguard ecosystem services to save humanity

Determined international action on biodiversity is needed – and largely missing

Our view

On climate, advanced nations must deliver

Industrial countries have to scale up their action as time is running out for achieving the goals agreed in Paris

Child labour

Exploited minors are denied a school education

In view of wide-spread poverty, child labour is still far too common in Bangladesh

State building

How to make African statehood more successful

Citizenship and social protection are mutually reinforcing

Female genital mutilation

“Violence is related to a variety of social conditions”

The organisation Forward for Women assists women in Germany and Senegal who have been affected by female genital mutilation

Gender justice

For the climate’s sake, empower African women

Global heating affects poor women in developing countries particularly hard


More financial power for developing countries

Industrialised countries and emerging markets should use new SDRs in support of low-income countries

Our view

Recurring infringements of children’s rights

Children's rights are violated worldwide – poverty is often the reason

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