Development and



How I fled from Afghanistan to Germany

Journalist Hamed Sarfarazi escaped the Taliban and reports what he experienced

Our view

The common good depends on women’s empowerment

Gender justice concerns not only women, but society in general

Women’s rights

Dominican women want laws to protect them

In the eyes of feminists, reforms of the Dominican Republic’s penal code are heading in the wrong direction

Social media

Hundreds of thousands of online trolls support Duterte

In the Philippines, we see how social media undermine democracy

The Sahel

Moving from crisis to dynamism on Sahara’s southern edges

Sahel countries, known mainly for many problems, must do their best to get a demographic dividend

Human rights

India has become “a flawed democracy”

Why international experts now consider what used to be the world’s largest democracy a damaged one

Our view

In search of humane solutions

Prosperous nations must stop shying away from the huge challenge of drafting better policies for migration and flight


EU should support IP waiver for Covid-19 vaccines

Diverging vaccination rates show how brutally unequal the international community is

Glasgow COP26

Climate crisis: 1.5° goal is alive, but comatose

COP26 decides to leave the most vulnerable people behind


Uganda’s poverty rate has risen 10 percentage points

As in many African countries, Covid-19 has exacerbated inequality in Uganda

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