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“A multi-tentacular problem”

To stem the tide of fake news in Africa, internet giants must do more than cooperate with professional fact-checkers

Digital surveillance

No one can opt out

China introduces points system for rating social behaviour


A turning point

To stem the spread of Ebola, humanitarian agencies must win the trust of local communities in the DRC


“Once you learn to read”

Zambia shows that schools are a good place to start fighting gender inequality

Gender relations

Unequal opportunities

Though the law forbids discrimination in Mexico, the road to gender equity remains long


Preventing violence

Gender roles need to change to stop violence

Informal work

Better education and training

More education is crucial to create less informal and more formal work

Illicit labour

Criminal girls

Criminal gangs have similar gender dynamics in Bangladesh and China


“I have no place in society”

Homophobia in Zimbabwe hurts the mental health of LGBTI people


Beyond the threshold

Far fewer countries will be eligible to receive ODA in the future – that means problems for SDG finance

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.