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Financial inclusion

Investing in women

Investing in female-focused businesses yields big dividends for all concerned

Nigeria’s ICT market place

Success due to combination of factors

West Africa’s major ICT marketplace in Lagos is set to relocate


Why biogas is good for the environment

Zimbabwe is jump-starting rural biogas production with a new low-cost technology

Arab region

Black people are discriminated against in the MENA region

People with dark skin are discriminated against in Arab countries

Aid effectiveness

Digital tools serve evaluation purposes

Head of KfW evaluation department elaborates goals, methods and accuracy of his work

Gaming industry

The opportunity is right now

A game-design pioneer in Ghana tells about the challenges and constraints of his work


Defining the new digital world order

The US and China are locked in a battle for dominance in cyberspace


Why racist attitudes lead to neglection of common good

Systemic racism hurts the USA’s white majority, as a new book shows

Online media

How Sri Lanka keeps the press muzzled

Sri Lanka’s independent online news outlets face an uphill battle to be heard

Sinti and Roma

Sinti and Roma demand equality and participation

Racism and antiziganism are deeply rooted in European societies

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.