Development and


The merger of GTZ, InWEnt and DED

One Face to the Customer

Approved by the cabinet: the outlines of the merger of GTZ, DED and InWEnt

Idle youth

Peace under threat

Youth unemployment spells trouble in Liberia


Supporting journalists as peace builders

Appropriately supported, journalists will contribute to Colombian peace


Troublesome legacy

Angola’s poverty persists as oil exports boom

Mass media

“More depth”

Why citizen journalists make an important difference

Reliable Data

“Uganda stands out in Africa”

Uganda's statistical office stands out in Africa

Financial inclusion

Banking the rural poor

Financial services have yet to reach the rural masses in India’s Karnataka

Natural resources

The oil curse

African scholars consider alternatives to the „oil curse“

Nature reserves

Joint administration

Local people participate in the administration of Bolivia’s Samaja National Park


Beyond more income

Grameen Bank model works for Argentina’s Fundación León

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