Development and

Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini

In brief

Food security

Not enough for a healthy life

Malnutrition affects 2.5 billion people and can impair physical and mental development

State revenue

More taxes, more development

Effective property taxation would benefit Africa’s municipal governments

In brief

News of the week

Relevant news – 28 February to 6 March

Private sector

Don’t panic

German companies still hesitate to do business in Africa


A better life in the caliphate

ISIS is recruiting fighters in Central Asia

In brief

News of the week

Relevant news – 21 February to 27 February


Death on the southern border

Rigorous protection of Europe’s borders means many refugees are losing their lives

European Year for Development

A special year

The European Year for Development is much more than a PR effort

Value chains

Due diligence

Without binding laws, the value chain of mobile phones will not become more equitable

In brief

News of the week

Relevant news – 14 February to 20 February

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