Development and

Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini

In brief

Democracy and human rights

The Sachar Committee

Systematic neglect of Muslims, India’s largest minority

Summer special

Leaving Iran and returning again

Summer special 1: Persepolis – A story of childhood, exile and return


What makes the Al-Shabaab strong

Characteristics of Al-Shabaab, eastern Africa’s most dangerous Islamist outfit

In brief

News of the week

Relevant news – 25 July to 31 July

Civil Peace Service

Overcoming prejudices

Lebanese residents and Syrian refugees in eastern Lebanon work on solving their conflicts

International cooperation

Exporting the Energiewende

Germany wants other countries to follow its progressive energy policy – and could do more in their support

In brief

News of the week

Relevant news – 18 July to 24 July

Health care

Transmission and implications of bilharzia

Transmission and impact of schistosomiasis


“Losing track means losing lives”

Civil-society organisation ONE criticises donors lack of funding transparency in Ebola crisis

In brief

News of the week

Relevant news – 11 July to 17 July

Subscribe to In brief