Development and

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In brief


Fundamental change needed to overcome inequality

To enable everyone to live a good life, Oxfam demands social and environmental justice

Special interests

The public good must not be left to powerful billionaires

Beware of plutocrats’ self-interest, even when they engage in philanthropy

Climate protection

UNEP sees climate opportunities in pandemic-related stimulus

Carbon emissions have gone down because of Covid-19, but that is no real transformation

Relevant reading

The Middle East and the challenge to the west

French scholar wants western governments to reconsider approach to MENA region

Bilateral lending

Understanding Chinese development loans

Chinese agencies’ responsibilities are more transparent than generally assumed

Relevant reading

Singapore’s clever approach to public housing

Why UN-Habitat praises Singapore in its latest issue of its "Housing Practice Series"


KfW promotes energy-efficient new buildings in Mexico

The “EcoCasa” project offers financial incentives and technical support to help real estate developers boost energy efficiency

Urban development

Why real-estate prices are rising fast in Istanbul

For the most part, Istanbul’s city council is giving real-estate developers free rein


Stages of improving neglected communities’ lives

There are many dimensions to upgrading an informal settlement, so improvement programmes operate at several levels

Social media

Increasingly manipulated forum

Online trolls’ disinformation is undermining Philippine democracy

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.