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In brief

Difficult reconstruction

Reconstruction in Syria - challenges and possible courses of action


Suppressing dissenters during lockdown

Western embassies urge Zimbabwe’s government not to use Covid-19 as a cover for breaching human rights

Dysfunctional policy

Under-performing ODA darling

Despite under-performing governance, Kenya is still a donor darling


Valuable resource

New book about participatory methods in development projects has the makings of a standard

Infrastructure projects

Paying the price for development

When people are displaced to make room for large-scale development projects, the trauma and impoverishment are real and long-lasting

Global Governance

Self-perpetuating cycles of violence

Joint UN and World Bank study on international cooperation in conflict prevention

Conflict transformation

Collective trauma

Violent conflicts can lead to the traumatisation of entire communities

Land ownership

How the first redistribution attempt failed

The policy proposed by Namibia’s first National Land Reform Conference in the early 1990s never took off

Idi Amin photo exhibition

Facets of a despot

A photo exhibition marks a first tentative attempt by Ugandans to come to terms with the past under Idi Amin

Summer Special

Descent into Hell

Tragic tale of a young Nigerian’s life wrecked by an ill-fated love affair

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.