Development and

Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini

In brief

Assessing results

Much activity, but no system

Assessing results: much activity, but no system in Germany's development cooperation


Unexplored dephts

Climate: The unexplored dephts of the sea

International financial architecture

Restore the balance of market and state

Stiglitz Commission calls for new paradigms for global economy


Proof of torture

Will CIA torturers go unpunished?

Tax havens

“Rhetorical change”

Tax havens hurt development, says Georg Stoll of the Tax Justice Network


Learning to Be

UNESCO Conference on sustainability and education in Bonn

Foreign policy

Germany lacks an Africa strategy

Foreign-policy think tank bemoans lack of German strategy on Africa

Sexualised war crimes

Trauma Therapy takes time

Support for the victims of sexualised violcence in war


“An emergency alliance”

“An emergency alliance”

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.