
Why governments struggle to eradicate the illegal drug trade

Brazilian scholar assesses symbiotic links between state agencies and mafia organisations

Street children

From garbage scavenger to chef

Cambodian NGO gives former street children a safe place to live and an education

Child abuse

When crime is the best of many bad options

Street children are involved in organised crime in Bangladesh


Lack of statehood

Experts call for more statehood and better institutions to stabilise the Sahel region


Charisma is not enough

In Mexico, candidates on the right and left present themselves as men of the people

Peace process

Hopes and fears

Colombia is struggling to reach new compromise after peace agreement with FARC was rejected in referendum


Gangs as political excuse

State failure and violence in Central America

Youth criminality

“Violence and grief every day”

How poverty and broken families broaden the circle of youth gangs in Guatemala

Immigration to the United States

A journey fraught with danger

Contradictory migration policies of the United States and Mexico

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