
Do two things at once

Regulate extractive industries and make them serve the nation

Peace building

Sharia and reason of state

Pitfalls of democracy promotion in the Arab world

Public finance

Coping with climate change

The impact of global warming will overwhelm municipal budgets

Internet and democracy

Asian media landscapes

In Asian countries, the ways press and internet serve democratic purposes differ greatly


Dangerous distraction

Pakistan's Supreme Court should not have indicted Prime Minister Gilani


Tense times

Presidential elections: tense times in Senegal


Dubious raids

Dubious raids: Egyptian authorities do not trust western NGOs


Populism and bloodshed

When elections boost the risk of violence


Religion wins

One year on, the dreams of the Tahrir Square heroes have not come true

Civic participation

Grassroots matter

In Niger, civil society needs support at the grassroots level

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