
We need cooperation, not walls

Donald Trump’s domestic impact will probably be awful, and the international impact even worse


US elections spell trouble for international community

That Donald Trump will be US president is very bad news

Civil Peace Service

Dreams of a better life

GIZ photo competition in Lebanon results in pictures that illustrate young people’s visions


Monitoring elections online

Social media, the internet and governance in Zambia


Boatloads of books

Grassroots initiatives are ensuring that children have access to books in some Indonesian villages

United Nations

Mixed results

New Urban Agenda adopted by UN conference Habitat III in Quito in October

International cooperation

Dealing with authoritarian governments

Universal governance standards are not in force everywhere, but are useful nevertheless

Self-serving African presidents back off from ICC

Out-dated idea of sovereignty is not anti-imperialist

Trump is dragging US democracy down into the dirt

Strongman attitudes and presidential aspirations


More turmoil to come?

Clinging to power, President Kabila threatens peace and stability in DR Congo

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