
The ANC’s real crisis

The ANC’s big problem is that it has not brought about the social change it promised in the anti-Apartheid struggle

Inglorious empire – What the British did to India

Shashi Tharoor proves apologists of colonial rule wrong

Fundamentalist ideologies

Competing Islamisms

Ideological differences contribute to current tensions between Qatar and Saudi Arabia


From 21st century socialism to dictatorship

Why Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro wants a new constitution

Trump’s FBI scandal has international repercussions

Media pundit Fareed Zakaria sees US democracy in danger – and things are probably even worse than he says


Brutally divisive

That Prime Minister Modi’s made Yogi Adityanath chief minister of Uttar Pradesh is proof of his supremacist extremism

In Turkey and elsewhere, democracy is not just majority rule

Universal principles require international monitoring


Post-referendum repression

After a close – and disputed – referendum victory, Turkey’s government is running yet more purges of the police and civil service

Venezuela is in a depressing state

President Maduro is not a prudent and responsible statesman

“The oceans are rising, and so are we”

International marches show new pattern of international civil-society activism

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