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Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini



Nice try

A few changes might make the Mo Ibrahim prize more effective


Political dynasty

Togo is facing growing unrest

German science publisher caves in to Chinese censorship

Springer Nature blocks access to controversial topics

Accounting for history

“We’re looking at really big numbers”

British scholar says western prosperity was built on slavery, so reparations should be paid

Colonial legacy

CARICOM demands reparations

The basis of the debate for reparations is the “CARICOM Ten Point Plan for Reparatory Justice”

Democratic setback in West Africa
Public interest litigation

Holding government agencies accountable

In Bangladesh, Public Interest Litigation helps courts to ensure that government officers are not above the law

Rule of law

Room for improvement

Contemporary Bangladeshi law is still largely colonial in nature as well as spirit


No trust in institutions

The anti-democratic legacy of Spanish and US colonialism in the Philippines


Democracy is better

Why dictatorship is less efficient than apologists want us to think

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