
Why offshore financiers stoke nationalist sentiments

The rise of right-wing populism is closely linked to the growth of offshore finance

South Africa

ANC gets away with minor dents

The ANC remains the strongest party in the parliamentary elections in South Africa, but must now deliver results

Our view

Changing roles

A long socialisation process is still needed to make equality between women and men a reality

European migration policy

Risks and side-effects

The EU should not cooperate with shady governments on migration policy – it should support civil-society projects instead


WBGU proposals

How to make the digital transformation to sustainability happen

Expert advice

En route to a digital future

WBGU wants digital revolution to drive sustainable development


Democracy in West Africa

Troublesome trend: recent elections in Senegal, Benin and Nigeria have revealed serious problems


The tide may be turning in Turkey

Istanbul election shows that people have become tired of Erdogan’s divisiveness


Xi Jinping is weaker than many observers believe

Why I do not think that China proves authoritarianism to be effective

Right-wing populism

Modi won – but did India?

In recent elections, India’s incumbent prime minister thrived on divisiveness

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