Development and


World order

“Teetering continent”

The EU is currently not a convincing model of supranational policymaking, but it can – and should – become one


No place for the Twa

Burundi’s smallest ethnic group fights for a voice


Narendra Modi is a Hindu supremacist, not a reformer

The Economist is still downplaying how dangerous India’s prime minister is


Our correspondent was found dead

We mourn the death of our Zambian colleague Humphrey Nkonde


Opposition leaders set free

First achievements evident in national dialogue promoted by faith leaders in Cameroon

Political deadlock

The long walk to serious talks

Venezuela needs a restart with government and opposition engaging in serious negotiations

US politics

Anti-Semitic Zionists

How Evangelicals have usurped Jewish American’s support for Israel


Nkurunziza rules out running again

Burundi will hold presidential, parliamentary and municipal elections in 2020

Populist delusions

Self-declared "patriot" wants "globalist" help

The absurdity of what Trump just said at the UN needs to be pointed out


Preventing poverty

How development circles are currently discussing social protection

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