
When border-security forces are a cause of flight

In regard to democracy promotion, western governments’ credibility currently looks dented


Sudan is not China

Western media under-estimate the extent to which China opened up under authoritarian rule after the Tiananmen Square massacre


Nationalist rhetoric does not help in international arenas

Why populists failed to build European alliance


“Envy and hate”

It is scary that 40 % of Indian voters chose an agenda of blatantly aggressive identity politics

Sahel zone

“Securitisation does not create security”

Civil society wants help beyond military missions


Trump is in trouble and increasingly erratic

Telling Pompeo they want peace with Iran was the minimum European leaders had to do


Climate of fear and violence

Honduras is among the most dangerous countries that are not currently at war


Hoping for a better future

Poverty, crime and poor governance are causing people to flee in droves from Honduras


Political and economic profile of Malawi

Weak institutions are the main cause of Malawi’s persisting poverty, and the next elections are unlikely to change much

Development of democracy

Malawi heads for elections

For Malawi, no signs of economic upswing in sight

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