
Unfinished business

The hasty withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan is likely to result in a mess

Right-wing populism

Divisive pandemic response

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro’s disrespect for science is now evident in his response to Covid-19


Eroding checks and balances

In the USA, constitutional checks and balances look increasingly weaker

Political theory

Fear and freedom

Liberal democracy is worth defending because it can prevent cruelty argues Princeton professor

Election fraud

Newfound faith in legal system

Malawi must repeat presidential elections because of cheating last May


In Delhi, fire has followed hate speech

Politically motivated rioting is engulfing north-eastern Delhi

Protest movement

Reciting the constitution

Muslim women are leading India’s nation-wide movement to protect the constitution

Right-wing politics

Muslims’ grievances in Modi’s India

How India’s government is targeting the country’s largest minority

Chile’s new constitution

Citizens speak up

Chileans are preparing to vote in a constitutional referendum that will determine their future


Ex-dictator sentenced to death

Why former dictator Musharraf’s recent conviction of high treason in Pakistan is indeed a historic judgment

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