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Suppressing dissenters during lockdown

Western embassies urge Zimbabwe’s government not to use Covid-19 as a cover for breaching human rights

Dysfunctional policy

Under-performing ODA darling

Despite under-performing governance, Kenya is still a donor darling

Official development assistance

Why taxation matters

Conventional ODA has often proved counterproductive, but there are alternative approaches


Fundamental change is indispensable

After failing disastrously, Lebanon’s political system needs fundamental change

Idi Amin photo exhibition

Facets of a despot

A photo exhibition marks a first tentative attempt by Ugandans to come to terms with the past under Idi Amin

Recurring trauma

Feelings of aggravation

The history of anti-Muslim violence in India

Our view

Belonging together

Nations are nothing natural, but human-made “imagined communities”

Our view

Black lives matter

Legacies of colonialism and slavery are being reassessed around the world after protests that started in Minneapolis

Democratic governance

Great expectations

Malawi’s new president must fight corruption, stimulate the economy and get a grip on Covid-19


Nothing is true

Why populists depend on systematical disinformation

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.