Violence against women

Wheels of justice

Malawi police move deliberately to investigate officers accused of rape


Women in headscarves protecting India's democracy

The background of current protests against Hindu supremacism

Rural regions

No alternative

Air travel is expensive and environmentally harmful, but it is a necessity in South Sudan


Restricted freedom

People in Benin wonder what EU Ambassador Oliver Nette, who was sent home by their government, did wrong

Media literacy

Telling good information from bad

Guatemala’s disadvantaged children are learning to distinguish good information from misinformation, in a pioneering media outreach project

Indians' newly expressed sense of citizenship

Rallying in defense of the secular constitution

Indians' newly expressed sense of citizenship

Civil liberties

Live up to the rhetoric

EU needs to press Central Asia harder on human rights

Mass protests

The people want to live in peace and dignity

In Chile and Bolivia, protests are driven by social exclusion and excessive inequality

Protest movements

Arab Spring reloaded

In the Middle East and North Africa, young people are taking to the streets to fight for better living conditions

United Kingdom

A prime minister with no proven respect for institutions

Why Guardian columnist is right to point out that Boris Johnson's Tories threaten Britain's constitutional order

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