Development and



US democracy is still in danger

Today’s Republicans are either right-wing extremists or pander to them

Rule of law

Prison sentence for business tycoon in Malawi

In terms of its constitutional role, Malawi’s judiciary is becoming increasingly assertive

State building

How to make African statehood more successful

Citizenship and social protection are mutually reinforcing


UN Convention is geared to promoting active citizenship

Why some Latin American countries allow young people to vote at 16


Broken promises and western failure in Afghanistan

In regard to Afghanistan, Bush and Obama made three major mistakes

Arab region

Black people are discriminated against in the MENA region

People with dark skin are discriminated against in Arab countries

Arab Spring

Tunisia’s democratic order is in danger

The death of Tunisia’s young democracy would be a bad omen for the entire Arab region


Why racist attitudes lead to neglection of common good

Systemic racism hurts the USA’s white majority, as a new book shows

Press freedom

Sri Lankan journalists working in fear

Rajapaksa brothers’ long history of suppressing free speech through attacks and intimidation

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