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Elasticsearch Mini

Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen


Extremist temptation

Radical groups are instrumentalising the Gaza war for their own purposes and recruiting young people via social media.

Global Governance

The drivers of change are at the local level

To support recipient countries sustainably, donor governments and institutions must respect regional cultures, argues Pirmin Spiegel, the director-general of Misereor, the Catholic development agency.

Village savings and loan schemes

Credits save life and promote resilience

Credit and savings from the village savings and loan schemes are used by Malawians for several purposes. For many, it provides money for common groceries in times when agriculture harvests decline.


Women in Cameroon fight for participation in the peace process

While women pay a disproportionately heavy price in armed conflicts every day, they are still largely excluded from official peacebuilding processes

Coastal communities

Sustainable sponges

In Zanzibar, women have taken up the cultivation of climate-resilient sponges in the Indian Ocean


A hot lunch at school

Burundi tries to fight the worst hunger and keep youngsters in school by providing school meals


Homosexuals are still discriminated against in Kenya

Kenya’s LGBTQ community has scored several significant victories in the courts, further cementing the legal grounds for the protection of queers

Mediterranean migration route

Alleviating the suffering on Lesbos

Thousands of refugees continue to live on the Greek island in unacceptable conditions. They receive support by civil-society organisations


Cooking without harming health and the environment

A Mexican civil-society organisation provides households and schools with smoke-free and wood-saving stoves, protecting the health of users and the woods

Local health experts

Engagement for healthy babies and mothers

A health advisor from Senegal explains what advice she gives to young mothers on how to properly feed and care for their babies

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Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals will require good governance – from the local to the global level.


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.