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In India, eradicating TB is a multi-dimensional challenge

Poverty has an impact on the prevalence of TB and has even contributed to the evolution of drug-resistant strains

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Humanitarian crisis

Risking collapse

Sudan is currently experiencing the world’s largest displacement crisis. Since April 2023, around 10 million people have fled their homes. Many now face the disastrous consequences of worldwide cutbacks in development and humanitarian aid.

Cholera outbreak

Women-led businesses suffer most

Business people fear that the recent cholera outbreak in Zambia, coming only around two years after the Covid-19 pandemic, will financially stress local businesses, especially those run by women.

Russia and China

BRICS-members are not coordinating their West-Africa strategies

Ghanaian scholar assesses Russia’s role in ECOWAS and speaks of new scramble for Africa

Global crises, local impacts

When a relatively strong African country is struggling on all fronts

If you want to know what impacts multiple global crises have on the daily life of a developing country, consider the example of Kenya

The Hindu Kush Himalaya region

Nature is changing rapidly in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

Glaciers, snow and permafrost are undergoing rapid transformation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region, with disastrous consequences for water and food security

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Mediterranean migration route

Alleviating the suffering on Lesbos

Thousands of refugees continue to live on the Greek island in unacceptable conditions. They receive support by civil-society organisations

Urban housing

“A story of abandonment”

A devastating fire killed 77 of the poorest residents of Johannesburg, fuelling discussions about urban housing conditions in South Africa. In this interview, human-rights expert Nomzamo Zondo talks about the political and social context of the catastroph


Land-use conflicts undermine food security in Nigeria

Climate crisis and population growth increase pressure on arable land in West Africa

Water infrastructure

Using groundwater sustainably in sub-Saharan Africa

Groundwater offers considerable opportunities for socio-economic development, particularly in agriculture. The BGR is helping partner countries exploit this resource

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