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Labour rights

Dangerous cotton harvest

Mostly women pick cotton in Pakistan – they are poorly paid and exposed to health risks


Indonesia’s information gap affecting the disabled

For disabled people in Indonesia, getting access to reliable health information, including on Covid-19, is a particular challenge

Blind in Benin

In Benin, the blind struggle to fend for themselves

Benin’s visually impaired people deserve support from government, NGOs and religious charities

Development cooperation

The relentless global decay of democracy

A two-decade trend of autocratisation is eroding democratic principles worldwide. Providers of development cooperation should take notice.

World Risk Index 2021

Small island states and Africa are particularly vulnerable

African societies are the most vulnerable when disasters strike

World Risk Report 2021

Social protection for disaster preparedness

Aid organisations call for high-income countries to support developing countries in social protection

Freedom of the press

Hundreds of journalists imprisoned

According to Reporters Without Borders, more media workers than ever before are in prison because of their work


The price garment workers paid for Covid-19 in Bangladesh

Labour activist Nazma Akter assesses developments in Bangladesh’s textiles factories

Press freedom

Ghanaian journalists face a crackdown on free speech

Press freedom in Ghana is taking a step backwards, as journalists are being prosecuted under the criminal code


Promoting pluralistic discourse

How DW Akademie is supporting the freedom of expression at the local level

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.