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eHealth Africa

Fighting polio in spite of ­insurgency

Vaccination programme in Nigeria’s crisis-torn Borno state

Popular uprising

A triumph for young people

Burkinabe youth united to end the rule of President Blaise Compaoré

Land ownership

Casting light on land deals

Land Matrix Initiative makes data available to global public

Land ownership

Fighting for livelihoods

Land grabbing affects those people worst who need land most desperately

International cooperation

Take agencies by their word

An international think tank wants aid recipients to be more assertive in relations with donor agencies

Peace process

Hopes and fears

Colombia is struggling to reach new compromise after peace agreement with FARC was rejected in referendum

Terre des hommes

Global collective

Terre des hommes involves its partner organisations from developing countries in its strategic planning

Civil Peace Service

Dreams of a better life

GIZ photo competition in Lebanon results in pictures that illustrate young people’s visions


Successful self-help

Cooperative market secures livelihood of 900 market trader women in Abidjan


Flexible and disciplined

As self-organised savings communities, “tontines” are an example of economic, social and cultural solidarity in West Africa

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.