Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Sustainable and socially committed

Unless rising middle classes change their attitudes, sustainable develolpment will prove impossible


Mobilising resources for peace-building

Fragile states have to mobilise domestic resources for development

Information technology

“Huge potential”

Information technology has the potential to contribute to economic growth in Africa


Stealing money from the needy

Illicit financial outflows hurt developing countries and emerging markets


Money flows with M-Pesa

Financial transactions by mobile phone have radically changed African economies

Global governance

“Investigate internationally”

Erik Solheim of the OECD wants rich nations to step up the fight against illicit financial flows

Global Governance

The rise and fall of the G20

The emergence of the G20 as a forum of the world’s most important leaders raised great expectations in late 2008. They have been disappointed.


First success in 18 years

Even after first major negotiation success, WTO remains controversial


Feeding the world

Eco-friendly sustainable agriculture is what the world needs, according to some experts

Teenage pregnancy

Right to childhood

The long term impacts of teenage pregnancies on girls and society

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