Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Missed opportunity

Iwan Azis explains what difference high interest rates in the rich world make in emerging markets

Urgent issue

Fundamental principle

Social-protection innovations neither serve everyone in developing countries and emerging markets, nor do they cover all risks.


Crisis-induced expansion

Government-owned development banks matter in the global financial crisis – and they must accept the principle of subsidiarity

Budget support

Tax-induced independence

Richard Gerster: Fiscal reforms reduce Mozambique’s dependency on donor’s budget support


Back to square one

Why Zimbabweans feel that the five years until the next general election will be very long

Food security

Wasting valuable grains

According to FAO, a third of all food produced worldwide is wasted

Ecological destruction

Conquest by chainsaw

Logging in the subtropical dry forest deprives indigenous people in Argentina of their livelihood

Post-2015 agenda

“New spirit”

Members of UN High-Level Panel on Post-2015 Agenda involve business leaders in debate


Shades of green

PEGNet 2013: Why green growth policy can be bad for poor people and how to avoid harm


African innovation hubs

African IT centres and business incubators are spawning fast

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