Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Industrial work

No way out

Labour conditions are tough in Guatemala’s garment factories, and they are not improving

Decent work

Quality criteria

Gerd Müller, federal minister for economic cooperation and development, wants to improve labour conditions in textiles and garment production


Farmers' self-determination

Fairtrade is improving cotton farmers’ lot in Africa and India

Promoting change

Go shopping with open eyes

Support for fairtrade fashion in Germany

Economic history

Early industrialisation

Low-wage exploitation in garment production is made possible by rural poverty, among other things

Global governance

Refreshing ­optimism

The climate crisis can be regarded as a business opportunity

Insurance industry

New horizons

International insurance companies are increasingly interested in African markets

South-south cooperation

China’s role in Africa

Südwind study assess the impact of China’s engagement in Africa

United Nations

The road to dignity

UN secretary-general’s synthesis report on the post-2015 agenda demands: end hunger and save the planet

Multilateral affairs

Global stability

Industrurialised countries must spell out how they intend to fulfil funding pledges made at UN climate summits

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