Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Money matters

Cricket has become big business in India’s emerging consumer society


Hero worship

The devotion of Indian cricket fans to their icons is probably unparalleled; not all forms of hero worship are healthy however

International finance institution

“Africa’s youth must be employed in Africa”

The policy aspiration of Akinwumi Adesina, president of the African Development Bank

Relevant reading

Analogue limits of digital growth

Two recent publications - including one from the World Bank - explain why digitalisation, in itself, does not bring about human development

Extremist threats

Tunisia deserves attention and support

Tunisia’s young democracy deserves support in its struggle against extremism and poverty

Human rights

“A situation of bonded labour”

Many Bangladeshi migrants are exploited abroad

Commodity prices

Explosive issue

Unless commodity exporting countries diversify their economies, crises loom

Middle East

End of generosity

Saudi Arabia has supported Egypt’s economy for decades but those days now seem to be over

Don’t blame the west for everything

Ethnocentric illusions in Europe and North America

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