Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Global economy

Deepening uncertainty

New and old international financial institutions are likely to be tested in 2016

Orthodox economics

Beyond structural reforms

The standard IFI stance on structural reforms is neither totally wrong nor entirely correct


“Pool and share knowledge”

The role of the Asian Development Bank and other IFIs in the eyes of Germany’s BMZ


Risks can be minimised

Experts encourage companies to invest in Africa despite risks

PEGNet: call for papers
World economy

Cooperation beats confrontation

In times of financial distress, countries are likely to ask for support from both established and new IFIs


Loans for living and luxury

Zambia’s middle class is weighed down by debts

Relevant reading

Debate on industrial policy

Relevant reading: World Bank economists disagree about interventionist industrial policy

Global governance

At a crossroads

What the WTO’s Nairobi summit achieved and what it did not achieve

Private sector

Better skilled employees

Why it makes sense for companies to invest in their staff’s skills

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