Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Economics is just another social science

Economic models are less accurate than their precise maths suggest

Health care

A short history of Indian pharma

How government action helped India’s pharma sector to grow


Scrimping and saving

In India and many other countries, government-rung schools do not have a good reputation


The world’s pill factory

Health services for 80 % of humanity depend on drugs made in India


Democratic shift to the right

Argentinian elections indicate Latin American trend towards conservative restoration

By agreeing to disagree, WTO inches forward

More smaller trade deals make economic sense, but there is a price

United Nations

Agreement to keep negotiating

The climate deal struck in Paris is ambitious, innovative and a bit awkward

Africans in Germany

Drivers of change

Diaspora investors contribute to development in various ways

International exchange

Studying in Germany helped to tackle Ethiopian problems

Ahadoo tackles social needs with innovative technical solutions

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