Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Renewed focus on governance issues

An interesting choice: Paul Romer is the World Bank’s new chief economist

Sierra Leone

Boom and bust

The consequences of the Ebola epidemic for Sierra Leone’s economy

Agriculture and food production

Unblocking investments

Strong rural infrastructure is essential for eliminating hunger

Relevant reading

Local action, global purpose

Though garbage challenges are similar all over the world, every place needs its own solutions

Global governance

Coordinating the willing

How international financial institutions must contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Global affairs

The EU needs new confidence

SDGs could help EU escape its malaise

Transition of power

Tough times

How long Michel Temer, Brazil’s interim president, can stay in office remains to be seen


“22 kilogrammes per person and year“

Why e-waste must be properly recycled


Why statistics are not enough

Brief history of the StEP initiative

Senior citizens

Homes for the elderly

Zambia’s homes for the aged face funding difficulties

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